Built for

Passionate People

All in one digital marketing solution now available in online version. Just create an account and start getting thousands of leads.

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Ready to be installed in:



Once you purchase our app, You will have option to send email from our dedicated server or use your own server to deliver emails to your customers.

Take a Look Around our App

Migrating the ATELMAILER web application to a user server offers numerous advantages, enhancing control and flexibility. By hosting the application on their own server, users gain direct oversight of the email sending process, allowing for customization and optimization based on their specific needs. This setup can improve email deliverability rates by utilizing a dedicated IP address, reducing the likelihood of being flagged as spam. Additionally, it enhances data security, as sensitive information is kept in-house rather than relying on third-party services. The user server environment also facilitates easier compliance with regulations such as GDPR, as users have better control over their data handling practices. Overall, moving ATELMAILER to a user server empowers users with greater reliability, security, and customization in their email marketing efforts.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Control: Direct oversight of the email sending process allows for greater customization and optimization.
  • Improved Deliverability: Using a dedicated IP address can reduce the likelihood of emails being flagged as spam.
  • Increased Security: Sensitive information is kept in-house, reducing reliance on third-party services and enhancing data security.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Easier compliance with regulations such as GDPR, with better control over data handling practices.
  • Customization: Tailor the application to specific business needs for more effective email marketing campaigns.
  • Reliability: Greater stability and uptime by managing server resources and configurations directly.

We support:


Here is a sample demonstration on our way of work:

Load Contacts

If you doing email sending campaign you need to load emails or phone numbers with country code if you are doing SMS Campaign

Load Email SMTP or SMS API

To get access to send emails you need to add a valid SMTP, You need to add SMS API if you want to sned SMS.


Add HTML Template for Email campaign or Text Message for SMS Campaign

Send Email or SMS

Finally you are ready to make your Email or SMS Campaign with ATEL MAiler Web.


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$20 /Month

  • 100 MB Disk Space
  • 2 Subdomains
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • Webmail Support

$39 /Month

  • 100 MB Disk Space
  • 2 Subdomains
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • Webmail Support

$199 /Year

  • 100 MB Disk Space
  • 2 Subdomains
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • Webmail Support

APP Screenshots

All in one digital marketing solution now available in online version.

Get in Touch


Office Hours: 8am-5pm (Australia, USA and Canada).

  • 61-2-89994117, 61-2-80144592

  • Level 9
    903/50 Clarence St
    Sydney NSW 2000
    Phone: 61-2-89994117, 61-2-80144592